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Another week in isolation with another week of goodies! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter! We pray that during this season we can all THRIVE to the best of our abilities! For all you parent champions, we continue to pray with you. 

Sunday morning: (Facebook only. Video will populate when the link is added.) Today we tackle a question of eternal importance—Jesus rose from the dead, so what does that mean for me? Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.

Monday: *PICTURE* Show this to your kids and ask them if they can find the hidden pictures. Can they find the lion? The lamb? The cross? For a super-duper challenge, try to find all three hearts.

Tuesday: *PICTURE* Sharing your testimony is a POWERFUL way to lead your kids toward faith in Jesus. Have you ever done it before? If not, here’s your chance. If so, do it again!

Wednesday: (Facebook only. Video will populate when the link is added.) It’s time for a mid-week praise party. Gather your kids around and rock out to this worship song by Yancy.

Friday: *PICTURE* This weekend, we’ll be hearing the story of Saul’s dramatic conversion. Read this verse to your kids. Ask them how they think following Jesus makes their life new and different. What are some of the old things they stopped doing?